Friday, September 21, 2007

Update on MILF-ness

This was supposed to be a recovery week on my training schedule and it turned out I needed it. After starting out with a good swim and bike ride on Saturday and a rough spin class on Sunday it was all downhill. For some reason my stomach was out of sorts on Monday, only made it through 450 yard swim before I thought any more would have me losing my breakfast. Tuesday was my scheduled rest day. Wednesday morning I swam 500 yards and walked/ran for 20 minutes. I took another rest day yesterday--I intended to walk last night but ended up at the pediatrician with Boobah instead. This morning I had a great spin class.

So, what does the scale say about all this? Not much. Its holding pretty steady. I can see a difference in my body but not the scale. I am trying hard to be okay with it. Esmerelda shared a calorie calculator with me for tri training and it said I should be eating some amazing amount of calories. I am nowhere close but I haven't been eating all that well given the stomach thing, seems carbs are what I can stomach best. I have learned I am eating WAY too many carrots, need to find a substitute veggie to nosh on during the day.

Goal: -73
Progress: -5.2

Workout totals:
Swim: 71 minutes, 1950 yds
Bike: 3 hrs 10 min
Run: 20 min

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