Yes, that is me in the blue cap being overtaken by women in the swim wave behind me at Iron Girl 2008. I am displaying hideous form--my excuse, I was sighting--you know, trying to figure out how the ^%$& I had to go before I was out of the nasty lake water!
In order to try and remedy my horrid swim times and start back on the road to triathlon shape--or actually any shape, I signed up for swim technique class with Coach Liz. Seemed perfectly sane, until that first morning when the alarm goes off at 4:45 AM. Yes, that is right, the middle of the night! My friend told me she can't make herself get out of bed before 5AM so if she has to get up at 4:45 she sets the alarm for 5 and makes the clock 15 minutes fast--I like the way she thinks. I took another path, I just refuse to think. Call it early morning autopilot--hit alarm, pee, swimsuit on, brush teeth, grab swim bag, coat, out the door. By the time I am really awake, I am at the gym. Hitting the water, that pretty much does the rest of it.
So I spent three pre-dawn mornings the last two weeks trying to remember to keep my head down, breathe out a lot right before I get more air, rotate on every stroke, and pull with my whole arm. I am sure there are things I am forgeting. Unfortunately when I am in the pool sometimes it is the breathing part I forget and once you realize you are in oxygen debt the other stuff really seems insignificant!
Next week starts tri training class, only one morning a week with an insane wake-up call. Sunday mornings we get to sleep in before hitting the gym at 6:45 AM for bike and run fun. Can't wait to see my tri buddies and hoping that I can find my endurance--I had some! I will miss sleep though.
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