So, since we were already halfway to Annapolis I decided I'd do a drive-by of the Country Curtains store. Although I wouldn't label my style anything close to "country" I do like a lot of their window treatments paired with something more contemporary! Thank goodness for the Garmin, it got me there and back without any trouble (although we couldn't find parking at the mall for a lunch adventure). So finally, the lace blinds in the dining room (above) will be banished forever (the walls in that room did get painted as well, a gold color). I was pretty disappointed they weren't in stock at the store and had to be ordered so I have to pay shipping, even after driving over there, and I have to wait--both things I hate! I found great new treatments for our plain Jane kitchen as well. I'd show you a picture but they were labeled "TEST" in the store and I can't seem to find a picture online--guess I'll have to appeal to Gman for a picture or imagine, take one myself!
By then the girls were worn out and HUNGRY and had to pee--the trifecta for bad behavior. We headed to the mall--no parking places to be found and enough close calls with teenage drivers to head home post haste. I got the girls to forgo the usual McDonald's or Chick-Fil-A for a "special girls lunch" at Mimi's Cafe. We all enjoyed lunch, there is something to be said for not feeding them until 1:30, they actually eat what you put in front of them without any arguments. The blue cheese walnut salad was awesome although really heavy on the blue for my taste so I left a large pile behind. After fueling it was off to Lowe's for the window hardware. I ended up with some valances and new rods for the girls as well as what I needed to hang my new curtains. I finished off the day by ordering the girls some faux wood blinds (JCPenney is having a sale and FREE shipping!) and some cheap sheers. As I remember I get the redecorating bug this time every year--last year it was re-doing the girls' bathroom while recovering from surgery.